- "STANHOPES: The World in Miniature"
- "Stanhopes: Playing peekaboo with the past"
- "The Pigeon Post into Paris 1870-1871"
Our Stanhope Museum Library offers a range of articles and research materials for the stanhope collector, enthusiast, historian or the generally interested. Learn about stanhopes throughout history. See how they were used in espionage for over 150 years. Our material is selected for its accuracy.............
Current Articles Include
- Stanhopeless No More by Howard Melnick
- Stanhopes: Playing peekaboo with the past by Rene Kientz
- Stanhopes: The World in Miniature by Nick Berman
- The Pigeon Post into Paris 1870-1871 by J.D. Hayhurst O.B.E.