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Rochard Stanhope Jewels
Custom Image Stanhope Microphotographic Jewels - Rochard Type
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Modern Rochard inspired fashion doll with Aquamarine Rochard Jewel Necklace
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Custom Image Stanhope Microphotographic Jewels - Rochard Type
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Rochard Type Stanhope Microphoto Cabochon Jewels are used to adorn porcelain and bisque dolls. They ae available for purchase in a variety of sizes and colors for your next doll project.
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3mm x 7mm - Small
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Ordering Process for "Custom Photo" selections
- You must always select a size and color for your lens. Additionally, upload an image from your computer. If you would like to have a title, caption or other text added to your custom photo, enter the text in the "custom title box". An example would be: select 6 x 10mm size, blue color, upload custom photo, added text - "MY custom TEXT. Please be sure to spell, capitalize and punctuate your text exactly as you wish it to be.
Custom Photo Tips:
You may upload most photo and image file formats. The most common and preferred file formats are: .jpg, .psd, .tif, .gif and .bmp. JPG is the most commonly uploaded file type and preferred. It is best to upload the original unedited photo or image file; however, you may crop the photo as desired. Please do not add text to images with photo editing programs. If you would like text added to your image, please enter it in the "Custom Title" field and we will add it to your photo. If we have any concerns with your photo or order, we will contact you with any concerns.
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