- Light Blue Rhinestone Lord's Prayer Vintage 1960's Stanhope Cross Pendant
- Limited Edition Boker Germany 2002 Lewis & Clark Canoe Stanhope Pocketknife
- Limited Edition Commemorative Houdini Viewer
- Lookout Mountain, CO and Buffalo Bill
- Lookout Mountain, CO with 4 Views
- Lord's Prayer Bone Monocular Charm Stanhope Pendant
- Lord's Prayer Bone Monocular Charm Stanhope Pendant
- Lord's Prayer Book Trinket with Stanhope Viewer
- Madelyn Keepsake Brass Heart Photo Pendant & Chain
- Madelyn Keepsake Sterling Funeral Cross Photo Pendant & Chain
- Man's Ring with Peep of Nude Stanhope
- Marcus Zweig's Sons Export Malting Co - Olomouc, Olmuetz, Czechoslovakia
- Men's Marriage Stanhope Ring w/ Rhinestone
- Men's Naughty Stanhope Ring with Rhinestone
- Men's Stanhope Ring
- Men's Stanhope Ring w/ Rhinestone
- Men's Stanhope Ring w/ Rhinestone includes custom stanhope lens with title
- Men's Stanhope Ring w/ Stone Inlay
- Men's Stanhope Ring with Rhinestone
- Military and Patriotic Stanhope Pen Peep Selection 1
- Miniature Ivory Tusk Mechanical Stanhope Retracting & Propelling Pencil
- Miniature Sterling Silver World Globe Charm
- Mirror Lake, Massanutten Caverns, Harrisonburg, VA
- Model of Fairgrounds - 1933 Chicago World's Fair
- Mohawk Trail, MA with 2 Views
- Monocular 4 View Stanhope shows Nantasket Massachusetts
- Monreale, Sicily
- Mother of Pearl R. Dagron Stanhope Binoculars Austrian Royal Family and King of Siam
- Mount Mitchell
- Mount Pisgah
- Museum Membership - 1 year
- Music Musician and Composer Stanhope PenPeeps
- Napoleon Handled Pearl Stanhope Letter Opener
- Napoleon III Ormolu Gilt Chatelaine Perfume Scent Bottle Stanhope
- Napoleon Stanhope Letter Opener - Mother of Pearl & Bronze
- National Gallery in Berlin, Germany
- Neilio Stanhope Charm
- New Product Created By (mike) - Please enter name here
- Niagara Falls Bone Manicure Stanhope Combination Set
- Niagara Falls Satinspar Sphere & Gold Stick Pin with Stanhope Viewer
- Niagara Falls Six Stone Figural Barrel Pin with Niagara Stanhope Viewer
- Niagara Falls Souvenir Barrel Necklace
- Niagara Falls Stanhope Barrel Seven Stone Pin
- Niagara Falls Stanhope Bone Manicure Set
- Novelty Telescope "Cheap Bastard" Peep Viewer
- Observation Tower at Gettysburg, PA
- Old Sterling Silver Roll Film Camera Charm Stanhope Souvenir Gettysburg
- Opalesque Stanhope Stickpin
- Ornamented Early Mechanical Stanhope Pencil
- Ornamented Stanhope Mechanical Pencil
- Paris Viewer USA
- Pencil, figural thistle flowerhead, silver top
- Pennsylvania Station - Petoskey, MI
- Pepperbox Pistol Flintlock Revolver Paperweight Stanhope
- Pikes Peak Region CO
- Pike's Peak Region, CO with 5 Views
- Pillars of Hercules - South Cheyenne Canyon, CO
- Plastic Telescope "Attractive Nude" Peep Viewer
- Plastic Telescope "Nude Brunette" Peep Viewer
- Plastichrome Peek Postcard Souvenir Viewer Daytona Beach
- Point Lookout - East Windham, Catskill Mountains, NY
- Prong Style Rhinestone Cross Necklace with Lords Prayer Stanhope
- Queen Founding Fathers 80th Anniversary Jack Knife
- Rare Advertising J W Soper Victoria Falls Vegetable Ivory Ashtray with Stanhope
- RARE Civil War Bullet - Abraham Lincoln Gettysburg Address
- RARE Civil War Bullet with Gettysburg Address Stanhope
- Rare Original R. Dagron Ivory Stanhope Monocular
- Rare Stanhope Postcard Bellhop Spying through Keyhole
- Red Linoleum Anheuser Busch Corkscrew Advertising Pocketknife
- Red Painted Bone Stanhope Cross Pendant
- Replica KGB Spy Microfilm Cipher from Ivanovich Abel Hollow Nickel
- Replica of Fort Dearborn 1933 World's Fair Chicago, IL
- Rhinestone Gentleman Stanhope Ring
- Rhinestone Heart Stanhope Pendant with Necklace
- Rip's Lookout Point
- Rochard French Fashion Doll "Julia - Best Friend" #3/20
- Rochard French Fashion Doll "Julia - In the beginning" #1/20
- Roosevelt Dime Hollow Spy Coin with Concealed Microfilm Military Map Vietnam 1971
- Roton Point, CT
- Round Bone Stanhope Mechanical Pencil
- Rustic Birch Stanhope Pipe
- Sachs Schweiz with 6 views
- Samara, Baghdad
- San Francisco Souvenir Cable Car Charm with Golden Gate Bridge Stanhope
- San Francisco Stanhope Cable Car
- Satin Spar Stone Brooch with Niagara Stanhope Viewer
- Satinspar Niagara Falls Figural Barrel Stick Pin with Stanhope Peep
- Scissors and 10 tools for sewing, 4", leather case
- Seven Falls, Colorado
- Seven Stone Pin With Stanhope Niagara Falls Barrel
- Sewing Tape Measure Needle Case Combination Stanhope
- Shakespeare Stanhope Victorian Era Button Hook Retracting Pendant - 6 Views of Stratford on Avon
- Silver English Teapot Stanhope Charm
- Silver Miniature Figural Manger Scene Charm with Stanhope Viewer
- Silver Screen Film Projector Stanhope Charm
- Silver-tone Rhodium Clear Rhinestone Heart Pendant with Lord's Prayer Peep
- Souvenir of Gettysburg, PA with 5 Views
- Souvenir of Royal Gorge with 2 Views
- Souvenir of Yellowstone Park with 2 Views
- Spritual & Religious Image Stanhope PenPeep
- Stag Hoof Letter Opener with Three Nude Female Pornographic Stanhope
- Stanhope Cross with Rosary Beads
- Stanhope Custom Lens with Your Photo Inside
- Stanhope MicroWorks | Sterling Silver "Key to the City" Denver Colorado Scene Stanhope Charm
- Stanhope Needle Case & Sewing Tape Combination Tool
- Stanhope Parasol Umbrella Fist Finial Stanhope Sewing Case
- Stanhope Vintage Erotica Binocular Watch Fob Charm with Naked Lady Views
- Stanhope Violin Bow by Otto A Hoyer Pariser Germany Rare Picture-Bow
- Starved Rock, Illinois State Park with 2 Views
- State Hospital in Rochester, MN
- Statue of Liberty Charm with Statue of Liberty Stanhope Peep by Beau
- Statue of Liberty Stanhope Sterling Silver Charm
- Sterling "God Bless Our Home" Stanhope House Charm Vintage by Walter Lampl 1940's
- Sterling and Enamel Stanhope Easter Egg Charm Microphoto Happy Easter Bunny & Basket
- Sterling San Francisco Souvenir Cable Car Charm with Golden Gate Bridge Stanhope
- Sterling Silver & Mother of Pearl Disc Custom Image Looking Glass Stanhope Pendant
- Sterling Silver Church Stanhope Charm View Ten Commandments
- Sterling Silver Custom Image Stanhope Charm
- Sterling Silver Figural Statue of Liberty Charm with New York Stanhope Viewer
- Sterling Silver Key to the City "DemocraCity" New York Worlds Fair 1939
- Sterling Silver Lords Prayer Stanhope Church Charm
- Sterling Silver Lords Prayer Stanhope Church Charm by Walter Lampl
- Sterling Silver Lords Prayer Stanhope Church Charm Pendant
- Sterling Silver Pearl Stanhope Lords Prayer Cross
- Sterling Silver San Francisco Stanhope Cable Car
- Sterling Silver Stanhope Bible Charm by Beau - View of the Ten Commandments
- Sterling Silver Television Charm with NY Stanhope Lens
- Sterling Silver Television Stanhope Charm - George Sisler
- Sterling Silver Washington DC US Capitol Television Charm
- Stock Image Stanhope Microphotographic Jewels - Rochard Type
- Summit of Pikes Peak, Co
- Sylvan Lake
- Taylor's Falls, MN with 2 Views
- Temple Square - Salt Lake City, UT
- The Angel of Peace
- The Bank of Manhattan, New York City, NY
- The National Cemetery at Antietam, MD
- The National Cemetery in Gettysburg, PA Microphoto
- The Oriental Palace in the Endless Caverns - New Market, VA
- The Zoological Gardens, Cincinnati, OH with 3 Photos
- Three Piece Bone Manicure Set with Gettysburg National Cemetery Stanhope
- Travel and Transport Building 1933 World's Fair Chicago, IL
- Treasury Building - Washington D.C.
- Turned Bone Figural Hut Antique Stanhope Trinket
- Turned Bone Monocular Charm with Ten Commandments Stanhope
- Turned Bone Monocular Stanhope Watch Fob with Multiple Gettysburg Views
- Turned Bone Stanhope Monocular Fob - President Abraham Lincoln Photo
- Union Station - St. Louis, MO
- Unique Stanhope Needle Case and Needles
- Universal Sewing Shears with Stanhope Lens
- Unknown Portraits of a Man and Woman
- Unusual Laminated & Grooved Miniature Wood Barrel Stanhope Charm Fob Souvenir Pendant with View Catskill Mountains
- US Capitol Vintage 18 ct Gold Stanhope Charm
- US Capitol Vintage Sterling Silver Stanhope Charm
- US Cold War Microdot Film Camera Model MK VR
- US Lincoln Cent Hollow Spy Coin with Concealed Microfilm Military Map Vietnam 1971
- Valley View - East Windham, Catskill Mountains, NY.
- Vatican Souvenir French Ivory Key Stanhope 1950 PAX Convention Commemorative
- Victorian Black Lacquered Snuff Box with Stanhope of Southsea England
- Victorian Bone Binocular Dual Valldemosa Portugal Tourist Stanhope
- Victorian Carved Black Bog Oak 'Kitty Cat' Stanhope Charm Pendant Antique Souvenir
- Victorian Carved Bog Oak Cat Charm with Stanhope Viewer Sheerness UK
- Victorian Era Carved Bog Oak Kettle Cauldron Stanhope Souvenir Charm Fob
- Victorian Era Propelling Stanhope Mechanical Axe Pencil Fob Pendant
- Vienna Grand Opera House
- Vienna Votivkirche
- Vintage 1950's Aurora Borealis Crystal Lords Prayer Stanhope Cross
- Vintage 1950's Sterling Silver Holy Bible Charm Pendant by Antaya
- Vintage 1950's-60's Sterling Silver Church Charm Pendant by Wells
- Vintage 1960's Lord's Prayer Fashion Cross with Rhinestones
- Vintage 1972 George Wallace Presidential Campaign Pencil Political Stanhope
- Vintage Carved Bone Figural Fish Needle Case with Sicilian Stanhope Viewer
- Vintage Carved Mother of Pearl & Sterling Dove with Stanhope
- Vintage Era Two Color Cigarette Holder
- Vintage Erotica Stanhope Binocular Watch Charm Fob with Naked Lady Views
- Vintage Flower & Vine Stanhope Lord's Prayer Cross
- Vintage Gettysburg Wooden Rifle Pencil with Stanhope
- Vintage Round Rhinestone Silver Lord's Prayer Stanhope Cross Pendant
- Vintage Sag Harbor Whale Stanhope Map of Suffolk County Long Island NY
- Vintage Sterling Silver House Charm - God Bless Our Home
- Vintage Sterling Silver Washington US Capitol Charm Stanhope
- Violin Bow by Otto A Hoyer Pariser Germany circa 1900
- Watermelon Tourmaline Crystal Rhinestone Erotic Nude Stanhope Ring
- Watkins Glen, NY with 4 Views of Waterfalls
- Wells Sterling Silver Holy Bible Charm Pendant with Lord's Prayer Stanhope
- Wells Sterling Silver Holy Bible Charm Pendant with Ten Commandments Stanhope
- Wells Sterling Silver Statue of Liberty Charm with New York Stanhope Viewer
- White House - Washington D.C.