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Vintage & Antique Stanhopes
1940's Ivory & Gold Niagara Falls Barrel Fob Stanhope
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1940's Niagara Falls Barrel Stanhope
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1940's Ivory & Gold Niagara Falls Barrel Fob Stanhope
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1940's Ivory & Gold Niagara Falls Barrel Fob Stanhope features 6 views of Niagara including Rainbow Bridge, Spanish Aerocar and other views of Niagara Falls
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Beautiful and unusual antique 1940's stanhope barrel fob is made of gold and ivory. It is a souvenir of mid 20th century Niagara Falls. What makes this barrel an uncommon piece is the material in which it was made. Most Niagara falls souvenir stanhopes are made from Satin-Spar, a white stone that was locally mined. Eventually the stone was mined out and had to be imported from the UK. As the desire and public demand for stanhopes was also on the decline, these types of souvenirs also slowly disappeared and tourist shops were mostly selling "old stock" by this time. In this case, ivory, which was not yet banned, was likely used to emulate the satinspar material of earlier days. The photos show it in the condition we received it and it is not often that we clean an item as we know patina and original condition are important aspects that collectors and our customers appreciate. In this case we did clean the fob and polished it in an effort to discern what material it was made from. Both visual and UV light analysis point to ivory and likely that of walrus. The stanhope image shows six views of the falls and tourist attractions commonly visited there. The stanhope itself is also a bit different from others in both it's layout and the fact that only four of the six tiny photos are individually titled. All six photos are found situated in two columns of three and arranged within a thin rectangular border. The main title is below the to lower pictures which are otherwise the untitled photos. The title reads "NIAGARA FALLS" Those images depict the falls from different vantage points. The remaining four images are individually titled as follows: Spanish Aerocar, Rainbow Bridge, Partial View, General View. The rainbow bridge image helps to date the stanhope as it was built around 1940. The stanhope lens is in good clear condition but has a few inclusions (bubbles) that are all outside of the image area with the exception of one. They are the type that occur in some stanhopes during their manufacture and do not really detract. the image is well centered and easy to see, which is not always the case with Niagara Falls Barrel Jewelry. This barrel charm is wrapped with solid gold wire and has a round cap at the closure which forms a ring or bale used for attachment to a charm bracelet of pocket watch chain.
Note: Since we polished this barrel charm it now has a shine that is synonymous with well maintained ivory. In this case the polishing was a positive improvement and not devaluing as with some materials.
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