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Vintage & Antique Stanhopes
14K Gold Nativity Scene Charm with Stanhope Viewer
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14K Gold Nativity Scene Charm with Stanhope Viewer
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14K Yellow Gold Nativity Scene Charm with Lord's Prayer Stanhope
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Apparel & Accessories > Jewelry > Charms & Pendants
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Miniature Gold Nativity Scene is 14k and is a nicely detailed design. Inside manger is Mary and Joesph knelling in prayer over the manger(crib) holding baby Jesus. There is a jump ring on the center top of the charm and the stanhope is located where you would normally find the star. You view the stanhope from front to back./The charm pendant measures 11/16" long across and measures 1/2" without ring and 5/8" including the ring. The charm weighs 4.3 grams./Then stanhope is titled at the top and reads THE LORD'S PRAYER. There is an angel knelling before the title in prayer. The prayer is in an Old English font. The words MADE IN FRANCE are in the upper left hand corner./The stanhope is off center to the left making that side of the view a little difficult to see but still the view is clear and bold.
This miniature figural nativity scene stanhope charm is gold plated. Inside this intricately detailed barn is Mary and Joesph knelling in prayer over a manger(crib) holding baby Jesus. There is a jump ring on the top center of the charm. When a split ring joins the jump ring the charm can be easily attached to a bracelet or necklace. The charm measures 11/16" wide, 1/2" tall without ring included, and 5/8" tall including the ring. This charm pendant weighs 4.3 grams. The stanhope viewer is located where you would normally find the star on the top of the barn. The stanhope view is of the Lord's Prayer. There is an angel knelling before the title in prayer that is in an Old English font. The view is titled as follows:
THE LORD"S PRAYER at the top of the view
MADE IN FRANCE in the upper left corner of view
The stanhope is clear and bold making it very easy to see and read..
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